Chat Macros

Each macro consists of two pieces. A trigger, which is typed after a slash (/) to activate the macro, and a result, which is sent to chat once the macro is triggered.

In your macros, you can use a few special symbols. These symbols will be replaced with the words you submit to chat after your trigger. These symbols are $$, which will be replaced with all the words after your trigger, and $N where N is a number, and will be replaced with the Nth word you submit. Additionally, if the number is followed by a dash(-), all words from that position to the end of the string will be used in the replacement.

When submitting chat commands, if you combine them together with the string '&&' between them, you can have chat execute them in order without manual intervention.

Some examples

This will cook, and then eat, a plain pizza.
Trigger: ce
Result: /cook $$ && /eat $$
Usage: /ce plain pizza
Output: /cook plain pizza && /eat plain pizza

This will use a specified number of Magical Mystery Juice, and then cast a skill multiple times.
Trigger: mmjcast
Result: /use $1 mmj && /cast $2 $3-
Usage: /mmjcast 3 2 leash of ling
Output: /use 3 mmj && /cast 2 leash of ling

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