Basic Chat Commands
The basic chat commands are:

/em or /me - Emote. This is used to simulate performing an action, rather than saying something. For example, "/em jumps up and down" will display as "Yourname jumps up and down."

/w or /who- Show who is online in your current chat channel.

You can also specify a channel name (for example /who newbie) to see a list of players online in a different channel.

Players who are listening to a channel you do a /who on (but are talking in another channel) will show up in a lighter color.

/whois [player] - Show information about another player.

/friend [player] - Add a player to your contact list. Repeat this action to remove that player.

/ignore [player] - Add a player to your ignore list. You will no longer see what is typed by this player in the chat, and the player won't be able to send you messages. Repeat this action to remove the player from your ignore list.

/baleet [player] - same as /ignore.

/help - displays a brief guide to all the chat commands.

/updates - displays again the updates that show on the chat screen before you enter chat.

/clannies - displays only the members of your clan who are currently chatting (whether or not they're listening to /clan).

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