Chat Channels
The chat is a great place to meet people, hang out with friends, and conduct business (in certain channels). You will not be able to enter the chat until you've proved yourself literate -- you'll find a link in the chat pane that will take you to the trial you must complete. Once you've done that, several channels will be open to you. The following chat commands will prove useful in the chat:

/channel [channel] - This places you in a specific chat channel. For example, "/channel normal" places you in the 'normal' chat channel, provided you are allowed to access it.

/listen [channel] - When you're in one channel, you have the option to see what's going on in other channels. Let's say you're in 'normal' but you want to listen to people talking in 'newbie' -- just type "/listen newbie" and you'll start to see everything from the newbie channel. Repeat the command to stop listening to a given channel.

You can make a one-time post in a specific channel by using a slash followed by the channel name. For example, typing "/newbie Hey, newbies!" will broadcast in the newbie channel, regardless of what channel you're currently in.

/channel can be abbreviated to /c and /listen can be abbreviated to /l

The command /switch channelname will switch you to a channel you're currently listening to, and put your old channel on /listen. Er, yeah. So say you're in /radio and listening to /normal. If you type "/switch normal", you'll be in /normal and listening to /radio. Good stuff. /switch can be abbreviated to /s

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