Advanced Chat Commands
Query Mode

Most of the commands listed below, which perform actions on your character, can be tested with the "Query Mode" operator. To do this, simply append a question mark to the command. For example:
/eat? pizza
This will allow you to see what items your commands will match, to help you avoid accidentally using the wrong item.


This command allows you to equip either a regular or custom outfit without actually visiting your inventory page. It has the following syntax:

/outfit [name or ID of a normal outfit]

This will equip a normal (not custom) outfit. You can use a partial name, and it'll try to figure out which outfit you mean.

/outfit [name of a custom outfit]

This will equip one of your custom outfits. Partial names work here, too.

/outfit c: [ID of a custom outfit]

This will equip one of your custom outfits by number rather than name.

If you don't have a custom outfit named naked, you can type /outfit naked to remove all your equipment. If only it were so simple in real life.


This command will append text to the "notes" section of your quest log.

/aa or /autoattack [name, partial name or initials of a skill]

This attempt to set your auto-attack to the specified skill.

/make [number] [partial match for "meat paste", "meat stack" or "dense meat stack"]

Create [number] of the specified item out of meat.

/cook [number] [name, partial name or initials of discovery]
/mix [number] [name, partial name or initials of discovery]
/smith [number] [name, partial name or initials of discovery]
/ply [number] [name, partial name or initials of discovery]
/paste [number] [name, partial name or initials of discovery]

This attempt to craft [number] of the specified item. [number] may be omitted, and will default to 1. Be careful, because the matching uses some fuzzy logic.

Note: Crafting will use turns if you don't have the appropriate items installed to prevent this. It will even craft multiple-stages of a recipe, possibly using many turns.

/eat [number] [name, partial name, or initials of food]

This will eat (an optional number of) an item from your inventory.

/drink [number] [name, partial name, or initials of a booze item]

This will drink (an optional number of) an item from your inventory.

/use [number] [name, partial name, or initials of an item]

This will attempt to use [number] of the specified item. The number may be omitted and will default to 1.

/cast [number] [buff] @ [player name or id]

This will attempt to cast the specified skill [number] times. The number may be omitted and will default to 1. The entire player name or player id must be specified.

/cast [number] [name, partial name, or initials of a skill]

This will attempt to cast the specified skill [number] times. The number may be omitted and will default to 1.

/equip [slot name] [item]

Equip an item to a specific location / slot. Both the item and the slot will be fuzzily matched to available options. Valid slot names (including abbreviated alternatives) are:

  • weapon
  • hat
  • off-hand
  • accessory1
  • accessory2
  • accessory3
  • familiar

/unequip [slot name]

Remove the item equiped in the specified slot. See the list of slots for /equip. (/unequip all will remove all equipment.)

/fam [familiar name or type]
/familiar [familiar name or type]

Take the specified familiar out of your terrarium to go adventuring with you.

/enthrone [familiar name or type]

If you are wearing a Crown of Thrones, place the selected familiar in it.

/buy [item available from an NPC store]

Purchase an item from an NPC store

/count [item name or initials]

Receive feedback in chat about the quantity you own of a particular item.

/go [location]

Go to some location (i.e., "clan", or "council" or whatever)

/shrug [effect]
/uneffect [effect]

Remove an effect caused by a buff

/shrug! [effect]
/uneffect! [effect]

Remove an effect which require the use of a Soft Green Echo Eyedrop Antidote.


This command will tell you, roughly, how many hours, minutes and seconds until the next rollover.

/whitelist [clan]

Switch to clan in which you are whitelisted.

/examine [item]

Open up the description for the specified item.

/pulverize [number] [name, partial name or initials of item]
/smash [number] [name, partial name or initials of item]

Pulverize some items. Be careful!

/pull [number] [name, partial name or initials of item]

Take an item out of Hagnk's Ancestral Mini-Storage


See how many items you may take out of Hagnk's Ancestral Mini-Storage today.

/closet [number] [name, partial name or initials of item]

Put items into your Colossal Closet.

/uncloset [number] [name, partial name or initials of item]

Remove items into your Colossal Closet.


Use a chamois from the bucket. (Once you adventure in the Slime Tube Clan Dungeon, you'll understand)


Use a chamois from the bucket, and automatically adventure in the slime tube. (Again, once you adventure in the Slime Tube Clan Dungeon, you'll understand)


Surprisingly, this will log you out of the game.


This command will place a horizontal line in the chat. It's useful if you're leaving your computer for a while and you want to be able to easily pick up where you left off.

/timer turns [name for timer]

Add a timer to your character pane which will countdown as you use turns, and alert you when you have 1 turn remaining.


Toggle the interface in and out of mobile mode..


Activate the Source Terminal, if you have one

/terminal [command]

Run a command on the Source Terminal, if you have one

/wish [wish]

If you have a genie bottle, make a wish.

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